Dear Parishioners,
Greetings and thank you to all our parishioners who call St Anthony's Parish, Noble Park their home. For the past sixty seven years, thousands upon thousands have identified St Anthony's as their home. We have truly been blessed by the generosity of past parishioners and the astute governance and leadership of some of our Priests and dedicated staff.
In 2019, we completed our plans to renovate our Church. We began 2020 with great hope and anticipation of hosting Parish events to fundraise for our Church renovations. By March, we experienced our first of many lockdowns due to Covid. Public life came to a very abrupt halt.
Our Parish Team, Staff and Parish Leaders have been overwhelmed again by the generosity of our community during and following these challenging times. Many Parishioners made generous donations towards our renovations. Sadly, we were not permitted to attend Mass, which weighed heavily on many people. However, Thanksgiving contributions kept coming in. THANK YOU, YOU WERE AMAZING.
Yes, we do have much to be proud of. I hope many of you will join us
on Friday 16th of June 2023 at our Parish Dance, as we celebrate and build our community connections and life.
I also take this opportunity to invite you to the Solemn Consecration of our renovated Church and New Altar on Tuesday, 20th of June 2023 at 7pm. This celebration is to thank God for the many Blessings we have received here at St Anthony's. We especially give thanks for the gift of YOU.
May we ALL be bold, courageous & generous in our dreaming of all that we hope for during the next three years.
Fr Brian Collins
Parish Priest
Since our last campaign, we have...
- lived through the Covid crisis - both mentally and financially;
- were able to live stream Sunday Mass so that people could maintain contact in their safe home environment during Covid time;
- renovated our church and redesigned the old Gathering Space into the St Mary MacKillop Chapel;
- upgraded the power supply capacity to accommodate our requirements;
- updated the information systems in the office both software and hardware;
- maintained grounds, machinery, office equipments;
- maintained utility expenses;
- been generous in our response to financial appeals of various causes/charities
- supported the ongoing formation of those involved in lay ministry e.g. RCIA team
- upgraded the parish house in Raymond Street to accommodate our regional Bishop.
Over the next 3 years we hope to...
- Replace the air conditioning system in the Small Hall;
- Upgrade the Small Hall kitchen
- Improve the flooring in the Big Hall;
- Encourage and support people to be actively involved in parish life.
- Create welcome and hospitality opportunities for new parishioners
- Improve our Parish Halls
- Establish gardens, replace trees
- Maintain ongoing formation/in servicing/resourcing of parish grounds/lay ministers
- Continue to support financial appeals of various causes and charities.
St Anthony's invitation to you
• One hour of community worship and prayer each week
• One hour of service to this community or other communities each week
• One hour of your weekly income
If you have contributed to thanksgiving previously
Are you now in a position to increase your contribution equivalent to $1 per year for the past 3 years?
That is, increase your current contribution by $3 per week
Payment methods will be:
Credit card-option for monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly payments
Direct debit - option for weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments
Envelope system- weekly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly payments
Remember you can change your pledge at any time
For security reasons, the parish preference is credit card/ direct debit option
If you are choosing to contribute by credit card/direct debit, please have your credit card/bank details with you for pledge sign up weekend.
(Click to download)
If you are a newcomer to the area or you would like to change any of your personal details such as phone number, address... ,
you should fill in a new census card, we will add or update your information into the church system.
(Click to download)
If you would like to join in our thanksgiving program to regularly contribute to the parish, you can get this form from the Church, the parish office or download from this website,
fill in the necessary parts and return to the Parish Office. We are very appreciated for your generosity and kindness.